
CCLemon99 FAQ Vol.2

I'm back for more! More A's for your F'n Q's!

So...let's just dive right in!

Why the name CCLemon99?/Is "CC Lemon" a real drink?

I'm not sure why I started using the handle. I've gone by numerous handles on the internet, each is quite different from the other. The seed of "CCLemon99" started long before I even had the idea to start a Youtube channel. When I first got my trusty Sony Cybershot DSC-W50 in 2006 (I still use this camera for my reviews, 20,000 pictures/videoclips later!) one of the first pictures I took was of a case of CC Lemon. Yes, this is the same picture you see at the end of all most of my videos.

Flash forward a few months. I am listing some auctions on ebay. I decided to set up a Rangerboard account to pimp my auctions, but also had the folder open with all of my pictures (this is before I set up new folders for individual photosets). The case of CC Lemon always was at the top of the page. So when I needed to come up with a handle, CC Lemon came to mind. Two months after registering at RB as "CC Lemon", I started a brand new Youtube channel. "CC Lemon" was taken, naturally, so "CCLemon99" came to mind. I liked the way it looked. Kinda like ((Lemon)). The 9's bookend the name nicely. I kinda regret not having a less brand-oriented name, but I like CCLemon99 for it's catchiness.

Is it a real drink? Very.

Fun fact: In my title card with the case of CC Lemon...if you look veeeeeery closely, you can see a Futurama DVD in the top right corner of the picture. It's dark, but you can make out some of the letters. I see what you did there...

What do you do for a living?

I am asked this question a lot, so I feel I should atleast acknowledge it. I do not want to answer. Fill in the blanks.

What is with all the Kamen Rider hate?

For the record, I looooove Kamen Rider. You know, the property closely supervised by Shotaro Ishinomori. In the past ten years, the series has gone from a "man on a mission" to "boy models in leather". I don't find the appeal in watching year after year of rail thin guys with hair styles previously seen on certain breeds of dog, fighting vague enemies with LIMITLESS EGO. An enormous ego is almost certainly interchangeable with any other serious character flaw if one isn't present.

I just don't understand the appeal.

It could also be that i'm not a Sci-Fi fan. At all. Super Sentai is a story of team-work, to me. Showa Riders is about revenge, adaptation, and cool-ass bike stunts. Metal Hero is about...well anything--just look at the variety! Heisei Riders, and to a lesser extent 00/10's Sentai, are about... bitching, moaning, and haircuts. You know, nerd stuff.

Will you review any more Rider toys?

I think that ship has sailed. I have a few belts (Kuuga, Agito, Skyrider), figures (random), and other stuff (Henshin Onsa) that probably won't be reviewed. Is it necessary?

Will we ever see your face?

No. You can see my reflection in some car reviews (look in windshields/windscreens). You saw half of my face in the Aura Changer Trailer. That's all you're getting.

What is your first name?

I don't like to say. Isn't it better to keep identities a mystery? I kinda have to divulge the name when I sell stuff..but otherwise, nope--not saying.

How do you watch tokusatsu shows?

I have scores of VHS that I like to watch. Most stuff can be seen online, but a lot of my tapes are either first generation copies from TV, or are original rental tapes (better quality than some rips online). TV recordings have the added bonus of commercials. You know I love toys, so naturally I love the commercials!

What are your thoughts on Power Rangers*insert name*?

Haven't seen any Power Rangers since the 90s. Not for me.

Are you willing to lend me/us/them a hand on a project that is in the works?

Whether it be me actually doing work, or simply lending permission to use photos I took, the answer is no. It'd have to be a truly epic project to get any kind of involvement from me. It isn't laziness, it's just that I barely have time to cover my own ass. I manage to upload a new video every week and still have a full time job, a neverending continuing college career, wonderful wife, and copy of Gran Turismo 5 to worry about. I spend a lot of time banking videos, but there are times when I rush to get something out on Sundays (every Sunday!).


That is it for now. I wrote waaaaay too much in this entry. Yet, I probably have some more FAQs I should probably give an answer to. I've been doing this almost four years now, you should see the crazy messages in my inbox. > <


Take care! See ya next time!



CCLemon99 FAQ Vol.1

I get asked the same questions all the time. Often i'll give a brief (and obvious) answer to the question...but i'd like to dissect these questions and give REAL answers. Here we go...

How much did you pay?

This is a pretty rude question. Nobody needs to know that I paid $300 for my Masking Brace or $10 for my DX Gingaioh. What I pay for my toys is really no concern to anybody. Also, what I pay shouldn't be held to any kind of standard of value. For example, I paid $30 for my first Dyno Buckler in the 90s. Yeah...why do people need this information? This is beyond me...

Where did you get it?

Japan. Duh. What a fucking stupid question. I've been a high roller on Yahoo! Japan Auctions for a very long time. I also order through a myriad of webstores or just do my shopping the old fashioned way from another country... I'll ask a friend. There is no "secret" or hidden treasure trove at the bottom of the sea in a safe deep within the Titanic. > <

Can I buy it from you?/Sell it to me/SEND IT TO ME FOR FREE!

No. If it ain't on ebay, or if i'm not selling it elsewhere...no. Don't ask.

Where did your Shinkenoh video go? I remember it!

"Visual" Copyright claim by Toei Animation. I'm not sure why...since it's 100% made up from self-created photos/video. The music rights techincally belong to either JASRAC or Nippon Columbia. So i'm a little confused as to why Toei got involved. I'm not sure when the Shinkenoh video will return...

Why don't you talk in your videos?

I hate talking reviews. Talking reviews seem to be a western thing. People in North America and Europe really need someone to hold their hand and walk them through the toy review. Really? I prefer international appeal. My top five most popular countries among my viewers do not speak english as a primary language. Naturally, Japan is my top country. My channel is also big in Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia...THEN, the United States. 100% of the moaning about me not speaking in my reviews comes from North America, which is apparently the center of the universe.

What the...? Cut those nails!

A couple years back I was having some issues with my finger nails. They were growing in very uneven and almost brittle. I've taken the necessary steps and have since solved the problem, but back then I had to grow them out a little bit. That way, any cracks in the nails would've be as devastating (and painful). This might be too much information, but it is yet another thing that people ask about.

Where is the *insert new toy name* review/video?

I usually wait until the appropriate music is released for the toy. Makes sense, no? Sure it takes a little bit longer, but I feel it is well worth the wait to make the video that I want. I'd be very unhappy with a rushjob.

Will you make an unboxing video in the future?

No. I'd feel bad for wasting Youtube's bandwidth on an unboxing video.


I hope this answers some questions. If you've known me for awhile, you probably knew the answer. Still...it's nice to be able to elaborate. I have more Q's that I can give A's to, hence the "Vol.1" in the title. Stay tuned for that...

Take care!